I’m looking forward to the Anne Arundel County Great Give this year on May 5-6th. The Great Give is a 24 hour fundraising and awareness drive for Anne Arundel County Nonprofits. Last year over 675,000 dollars was raised. It is a big reason why Anne Arundel County is one of the best counties to live and work in in the nation.
When I was asked to be on the planning committee, I was immediately excited to help out all of these worthy nonprofits in Anne Arundel County. I prefer to call what is legally classified as a “nonprofit” organization as a “for purpose” organization. (I’m a nerd.) Being involved in the Great Give benefits Anne Arundel County on a widespread level.
I would encourage everyone out their in cyberspace to consider supporting a non profit on May 5-6 (or any day for that matter).
Mark your calendar to join us right here at www.greatgiveaac.org on May 5th & 6th to support your favorite local organizations with a donation. (You can search for your favorite organization by name or by category!)
And be sure to tell your family, friends and co-workers, so they can too.
All the best,