You know the type. An over 35 year old lawyer strutts into a meeting, whips out their IPad and proudly doesn’t contribute anything to the meeting because they are too busy searching the Internet for clothes or the football score. They proudly tell anyone who will listen how “tech savvy” they have become. I hate you if that is you. You know who you are.
You are like a new “yachtsmen” who knows nothing about boating but you just bought your fancy, new expensive boat and by default you are now Captain Crunch of the High Seas. I hate you.
You are the old conservative couple who complain about how your state’s debilitating taxes are “starving you to death” en route from beach house 1 to Beach House 2. I hate you.
You are Mark Foley. You are Eliot Spitzer. You are Anthony Weiner.
But you ain’t a legal techie.
Owning a scanner and an IPad does not make you a legal techie.
What makes someone a legal techie?