It was so much fun helping with the Great Give Happy Hour at Sam’s on the Waterfront tonight. We were able to get some donations to the Great Give and successfully get the word out about the 24 hour fundraising campaign for Anne Arundel County nonprofits. I learned about the nonprofit Friends of Quiet Waters Park who was there at our donation station. Their mission is to essentially help out Quiet Waters Park. Julie Crudele and Andy Loftus were there enthusiastically representing FQWP. I also bumped into the always ebullient Lea Hurt who was enjoying the Waterfront at Sam’s.
During the Great Give Happy Hour, Lea and Margo Speciale made a wonderful video for Samaritan House’s Great Give drive. Samaritan House is a State-certified (ADAA) level 3.1 residential, nonprofit substance abuse treatment program and one of only three in Eastern Maryland. Their mission is to provide a safe and secure environment in which men can be redirected to become responsible, independent, productive members of the community. Margo Speciale was a natural at videomaking. (She pretty much runs the Annapolis Film Festival.) Allison Porter, my counterpart on the Great Give Planning Committee that was in attendance, was our team’s Macgyver and competently setup Wifi for our group so we could get some nice sized donations for Anne Arundel County Nonprofits. A highlight of the Great Give Happy Hour was that we were able to get a $500 donation.
To think that there were many other Happy Hour Great Give locations with donation stations spread across Anne Arundel County was something pretty neat. The social media buzz for the county was so great that the hashtag #ggaac was trending. I can only hope that this kind of buzz leads to the largest single fundraising event in Anne Arundel County history.
Fingers crossed.