1. DO NOT TALK TO ANYONE – You should only talk to one of your lawyers or investigators handling your case. You should require some identification so that you are sure who you are talking to.
2. LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR – You should follow as precisely as possible the advice and course of treatment advised by your doctor. Do not minimize your ailments to your doctor as it is one of the best ways of knowing how to treat you.
3. KEEP A DIARY – You shoud keep a daily or weekly record of your complaints and progress. This can be very helpful when, a year later, you will be able to recall your pain and difficulties more vividly.
4. KEEP A RECORD OF WORK DAYS LOST due to your injury.
5. KEEP A RECORD OF ALL YOUR MEDICAL BILLS – Obtain and keep duplicate copies of all medical and hospital and drug bils. You should also keep records of any other expenses you may have in connection with your accident such as the hiring of extra help. All your bills should be paid by check or your should obtain and keep receipts. You should make and keep a list of all your medical bills and the costs incurred in going to your doctor.
6. RECORD YOUR CAR REPAIR BILLS – If your automobile has not been repaired, do not do so until you are sure we have obtained pictures of it. If it has been repaired, be sure and supply us with copies of all estimates and final bills.
7. DO NOT PLEAD GUILTY TO TRAFFIC OFFENSES (without consulting an attorney)- Never plead guilty to any traffic offenses in connection with this accident, and if you are arrested call an attorney immediately to be advised.
8. SUPPLY INFORMATION ON WITNESSES – Supply immediately to an attorney the correct name and address and telephone numbers of any and al witnesses you may learn of.
9. SEND ATTORNEY PHOTOGRAPHS – Send your attorney the negatives and prints of any photographs pertaining to your case which you or any of your friends have taken. If at any time you are required to be in the hospital and are receiving any type of treatment like traction or physical therapy which can be photographed, please notify an attorney immediately.
10. TAKE CARE OF PAYING YOUR HOSPITAL AND DOCTOR BILLS (if you can) – If you have your own insurance to cover such bills, go ahead and have them paid as soon as possible. If you have sufficient funds to pay any difference in the amount covered by insurance, don’t hesitate to pay your obligations because of the lawsuit.
11. TELL YOUR ATTORNEY ADDRESS CHANGES – Keep your attorney advised of any changes in your address or telephone number.
Call Scott MacMullan Law, LLC at 443-494-9775 for further information and a free case assessment.