My phone rings. I’m up already because I’m a night owl. It’s not the midnight phone call that used to be fun in college. It’s someone who has been abused by their spouse or significant other. As a Maryland restraining order attorney, this happens.
When you are threatened abuse or if you are abused, call 911 immediately. If you are worried about the safety or yourself and your children once the police leave, you might want to consider getting some kind of restraining order. You can get restraining orders (called a peace order or a protective order) 24 hours a day at your local commissioners office.
You also might NOT want to get a restraining order. Sometimes it is better to get away from whoever you are fighting with and consider what is going on. Filing a restraining order only extends and potentially could make the emotional situation worse. Call an attorney to evaluate the strength of your restraining order case before you file it if you are not in immediate danger.