I had the distinct pleasure of having a 2 hour breakfast the other day with Maryland’s Dan Clements, a prominent Plaintiff’s attorney in Baltimore. In short, volunteering is good on a personal level as well as a professional networking level. Here are some takeaways from the breakfast where we talked about being active in the community and volunteering or doing pro bono work for various groups.
If you join a group remember to be known as a someone “who does what they say they are going to do.” So many times in volunteer organizations people have good intentions and say “Yes” they will be able to do something and then don’t do it. “No” is a better answer than saying “Yes” and not doing it. Also, remember if anyone ever gives you a hard time in one of these associations, turn to them, look them in the eye, and tell them “I’m a volunteer.” That will shut them up quick.
Simple, yet effective concepts: Be reliable and don’t say you can, when you can’t.
Does anyone else have any practical tips for lawyers on getting active/participating with bar associations, specialty groups, rotary clubs, church groups or any other community groups?